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Transactions d’initiés

Devise en EUR
Achat d’initiés au cours des 6 derniers moisTitresTrans.
Titres nets achetés (vendus)00
Total des titres d’initiés détenus7,39MS.O.
% des titres nets acquis (vendus)S.O.S.O.
Achats institutionnels nets à partir du trimestre précédent jusqu’au dernier trimestreTitres
Titres nets achetés (vendus)S.O.
% de variation dans les titres institutionnels détenusS.O.

Transactions d’initiés rapportées - Deux dernières années


Permian Investment Partners LP

Bought at price 27.48 per share.Direct15 71513 sept. 2017572

Pictet Asset Management Ltd.

Bought at price 24.74 per share.Direct139 43213 sept. 20175 635

Pictet Asset Management Ltd.

Bought at price 24.42 per share.Direct19 02312 sept. 2017779

Oddo Asset Management

Increase at price 24.86 per share.Direct271 82712 sept. 201710 933

Societe Generale

Decrease at price 24.68 per share.Direct25 54712 sept. 20171 035

BlackRock, Inc.

Direct12 sept. 20171 455

BlackRock, Inc.

Increase at price 24.38 per share.Direct21 94211 sept. 2017900

Arrowgrass Capital Partners LLP

Bought at price 0.00 per share.Direct11 sept. 2017886 256

Barclays Plc

Decrease at price 24.32 per share.Direct114 49811 sept. 20174 708

Societe Generale

Decrease at price 24.58 per share.Direct3 68711 sept. 2017150

Schroders Plc

Sold at price 24.31 per share.Direct271 88411 sept. 201711 185


Bought at price 24.48 per share.Direct354 65711 sept. 201714 490

Wellington Management Company, L.L.P.

Bought at price 24.32 per share.Direct275 69111 sept. 201711 336

Barclays Plc

Decrease at price 23.80 per share.Direct35 41508 sept. 20171 488

AXA Investment Managers

Bought at price 24.03 per share.Direct672 84008 sept. 201728 000

BlackRock, Inc.

Increase at price 23.90 per share.Direct2 763 13808 sept. 2017115 627

Canada Pension Plan Investment Board

Bought at price 23.90 per share.Direct2 635 83908 sept. 2017110 300

Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P.

Bought at price 23.85 per share.Direct122 75008 sept. 20175 147

Credit Agricole SA

Increase at price 24.02 per share.Direct214 67208 sept. 20178 938


Sold at price 23.90 per share.Direct23 89708 sept. 20171 000

Societe Generale

Increase at price 23.87 per share.Direct221 66008 sept. 20179 285

Oddo Asset Management

Direct08 sept. 201722 222


Bought at price 24.56 per share.Direct1 438 66607 sept. 201758 580

Societe Generale

Decrease at price 24.13 per share.Direct4 27007 sept. 2017177

Pictet Asset Management Ltd.

Bought at price 24.05 per share.Direct632 64407 sept. 201726 301

BlackRock, Inc.

Bought at price 24.07 per share.Direct45 96607 sept. 20171 910

Barclays Plc

Decrease at price 24.15 per share.Direct2 627 18107 sept. 2017108 786

Credit Agricole SA

Increase at price 24.38 per share.Direct505 62007 sept. 201720 740

Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P.

Bought at price 24.41 per share.Direct97 92807 sept. 20174 011

Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P.

Bought at price 24.41 per share.Direct191 23406 sept. 20177 833

Credit Agricole SA

Bought at price 24.57 per share.Direct3 78306 sept. 2017154

Credit Agricole SA

Sold at price 24.55 per share.Direct235 36206 sept. 20179 589

Societe Generale

Bought at price 24.58 per share.Direct7 66906 sept. 2017312

Societe Generale

Sold at price 24.40 per share.Direct3 050 25006 sept. 2017125 000


Bought at price 24.37 per share.Direct5 980 07406 sept. 2017245 427

Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings, Ltd.

Sold at price 24.43 per share.Direct658 08506 sept. 201726 942

Vanguard Group Inc.

Bought at price 24.50 per share.Direct47 62206 sept. 20171 944

Barclays Plc

Increase at price 24.41 per share.Direct3 588 49106 sept. 2017146 985

BlackRock, Inc.

Increase at price 24.44 per share.Direct35 55706 sept. 20171 455

Canada Pension Plan Investment Board

Bought at price 24.60 per share.Direct4 372 27806 sept. 2017177 706

BlackRock, Inc.

Bought at price 24.54 per share.Direct46 86905 sept. 20171 910

Canada Pension Plan Investment Board

Bought at price 24.62 per share.Direct10 221 55205 sept. 2017415 139

Barclays Plc

Increase at price 24.56 per share.Direct689 92505 sept. 201728 088


Bought at price 24.59 per share.Direct1 046 62605 sept. 201742 570

Societe Generale

Bought at price 24.22 per share.Direct4 838 24105 sept. 2017199 787

Societe Generale

Sold at price 24.24 per share.Direct4 840 80605 sept. 2017199 695

Credit Agricole SA

Bought at price 24.66 per share.Direct1 94705 sept. 201779

Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P.

Bought at price 24.59 per share.Direct67 88105 sept. 20172 761

Vanguard Group Inc.

Bought at price 23.91 per share.Direct6 76505 sept. 2017283

Societe Generale

Decrease at price 24.30 per share.Direct9 76904 sept. 2017402


Bought at price 23.95 per share.Direct1 604 31504 sept. 201767 000

Pictet Asset Management Ltd.

Bought at price 24.29 per share.Direct506 42204 sept. 201720 849

Barclays Plc

Increase at price 24.12 per share.Direct410 21104 sept. 201717 005

Canada Pension Plan Investment Board

Bought at price 23.99 per share.Direct7 589 17304 sept. 2017316 321

Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P.

Bought at price 24.07 per share.Direct91 74904 sept. 20173 811

Credit Agricole SA

Increase at price 24.14 per share.Direct5 50204 sept. 2017228

Credit Agricole SA

Decrease at price 23.80 per share.Direct41 02601 sept. 20171 724

Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P.

Bought at price 23.30 per share.Direct112 48701 sept. 20174 828


Bought at price 23.80 per share.Direct69001 sept. 201729


Sold at price 23.62 per share.Direct4 016 05601 sept. 2017170 035

Societe Generale

Decrease at price 23.48 per share.Direct96 27901 sept. 20174 101

Wellington Management Company, L.L.P.

Sold at price 23.32 per share.Direct472 87301 sept. 201720 275

Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings, Ltd.

Bought at price 23.50 per share.Direct571 26201 sept. 201724 308

BlackRock, Inc.

Direct01 sept. 20170

Barclays Plc

Decrease at price 23.69 per share.Direct27 71701 sept. 20171 170

Alken Luxembourg S.A

Sold at price 23.37 per share.Direct194 08701 sept. 20178 305

Barclays Plc

Increase at price 23.40 per share.Direct1 513 49431 août 201764 682

BlackRock, Inc.

Bought at price 23.40 per share.Direct34 49031 août 20171 474

Societe Generale

Decrease at price 23.34 per share.Direct303 42031 août 201713 000


Bought at price 23.67 per share.Direct160 97631 août 20176 800

Pictet Asset Management Ltd.

Bought at price 23.39 per share.Direct207 27831 août 20178 863

Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P.

Bought at price 23.59 per share.Direct70 53431 août 20172 990

Vanguard Group Inc.

Bought at price 23.61 per share.Direct30 60331 août 20171 296

State Street Global Advisors

Bought at price 23.40 per share.Direct3 60331 août 2017154

Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings, Ltd.

Sold at price 23.61 per share.Direct112 51530 août 20174 766

Pictet Asset Management Ltd.

Direct30 août 20170


Sold at price 23.55 per share.Direct70 64430 août 20173 000

Schroders Plc

Sold at price 23.52 per share.Direct58 81030 août 20172 500

Societe Generale

Increase at price 23.57 per share.Direct2 59230 août 2017110

BlackRock, Inc.

Bought at price 23.55 per share.Direct22 58230 août 2017959

Barclays Plc

Increase at price 23.57 per share.Direct24 82130 août 20171 053

Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P.

Bought at price 23.48 per share.Direct45 05230 août 20171 919

Credit Agricole SA

Increase at price 23.39 per share.Direct474 71130 août 201720 292

Credit Agricole SA

Increase at price 23.39 per share.Direct246 58529 août 201710 541

Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P.

Bought at price 23.37 per share.Direct56 90329 août 20172 435

Societe Generale

Bought at price 23.33 per share.Direct311 07529 août 201713 332

Societe Generale

Sold at price 23.34 per share.Direct396 77129 août 201716 996


Bought at price 23.45 per share.Direct2 543 10229 août 2017108 434


Sold at price 23.34 per share.Direct61 74729 août 20172 645

Vanguard Group Inc.

Bought at price 23.63 per share.Direct14 17929 août 2017600

Wellington Management Company, L.L.P.

Sold at price 23.46 per share.Direct13 68029 août 2017583

Barclays Plc

Increase at price 23.43 per share.Direct56 67429 août 20172 419

BlackRock, Inc.

Decrease at price 23.46 per share.Direct9 31529 août 2017397

Barclays Plc

Increase at price 23.64 per share.Direct7 16328 août 2017303


Bought at price 23.64 per share.Direct315 30328 août 201713 336

Societe Generale

Increase at price 23.49 per share.Direct31 87128 août 20171 357

Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P.

Bought at price 23.66 per share.Direct44 70728 août 20171 890

Credit Agricole SA

Increase at price 23.71 per share.Direct13 09028 août 2017552

Credit Agricole SA

Increase at price 23.71 per share.Direct75 05728 août 20173 165

Credit Agricole SA

Bought at price 23.35 per share.Direct6 46725 août 2017277

Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P.

Bought at price 23.36 per share.Direct60 78025 août 20172 602

Societe Generale

Increase at price 23.43 per share.Direct2 15525 août 201792

Pictet Asset Management Ltd.

Bought at price 23.26 per share.Direct13 58625 août 2017584

Barclays Plc

Decrease at price 23.29 per share.Direct39 70625 août 20171 705

BlackRock, Inc.

Sold at price 23.44 per share.Direct31 22625 août 20171 332

Alken Luxembourg S.A

Sold at price 23.37 per share.Direct292 09025 août 201712 498

Wellington Management Company, L.L.P.

Sold at price 23.28 per share.Direct280 77825 août 201712 063

Vanguard Group Inc.

Bought at price 23.32 per share.Direct49 11824 août 20172 106

Societe Generale

Decrease at price 23.50 per share.Direct72 16824 août 20173 071


Bought at price 23.22 per share.Direct9224 août 20174

Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P.

Bought at price 23.31 per share.Direct94 99224 août 20174 075

Credit Agricole SA

Decrease at price 23.29 per share.Direct255 73724 août 201710 982

Alken Luxembourg S.A

Bought at price 23.36 per share.Direct170 65324 août 20177 306

BlackRock, Inc.

Increase at price 23.22 per share.Direct23 58824 août 20171 016

Barclays Plc

Decrease at price 23.29 per share.Direct15 53224 août 2017667

Barclays Plc

Increase at price 23.59 per share.Direct2 450 44323 août 2017103 894

BlackRock, Inc.

Direct23 août 20173 896

Societe Generale

Increase at price 23.45 per share.Direct71 99923 août 20173 071

Credit Agricole SA

Bought at price 23.67 per share.Direct167 48123 août 20177 076

Credit Agricole SA

Sold at price 23.50 per share.Direct70523 août 201730

Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P.

Bought at price 23.61 per share.Direct63 93523 août 20172 708

Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P.

Bought at price 23.33 per share.Direct100 79422 août 20174 320

Credit Agricole SA

Increase at price 23.52 per share.Direct22 17922 août 2017943

BlackRock, Inc.

Direct22 août 20170

Barclays Plc

Decrease at price 23.46 per share.Direct48 44622 août 20172 065

Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings, Ltd.

Bought at price 23.41 per share.Direct609 84122 août 201726 046

Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings, Ltd.

Sold at price 23.36 per share.Direct30 33822 août 20171 299

Societe Generale

Decrease at price 23.40 per share.Direct3 15922 août 2017135

Government Of The State Of Kuwait

Bought at price 23.41 per share.Direct609 84122 août 201726 046

Legal & General Investment Management, Ltd.

Bought at price 23.34 per share.Direct158 04521 août 20176 770

Societe Generale

Decrease at price 23.64 per share.Direct102 83421 août 20174 350

Barclays Plc

Increase at price 23.66 per share.Direct576 88021 août 201724 378

BlackRock, Inc.

Increase at price 23.27 per share.Direct440 29721 août 201718 918

Credit Agricole SA

Bought at price 23.32 per share.Direct13 92221 août 2017597

Credit Agricole SA

Sold at price 23.39 per share.Direct3 20421 août 2017137

Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P.

Bought at price 23.41 per share.Direct85 86221 août 20173 667

Vanguard Group Inc.

Bought at price 23.71 per share.Direct70 32621 août 20172 966

Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings, Ltd.

Bought at price 23.49 per share.Direct560 11721 août 201723 849

Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings, Ltd.

Bought at price 23.45 per share.Direct2 469 57818 août 2017105 317

Vanguard Group Inc.

Bought at price 23.68 per share.Direct61 39118 août 20172 592

BlackRock, Inc.

Direct18 août 2017900

Barclays Plc

Increase at price 23.53 per share.Direct873 55418 août 201737 122

Societe Generale

Decrease at price 23.52 per share.Direct26 41218 août 20171 123

Pictet Asset Management Ltd.

Bought at price 23.64 per share.Direct10 61318 août 2017449

Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P.

Bought at price 23.43 per share.Direct161 96718 août 20176 914

Credit Agricole SA

Increase at price 23.40 per share.Direct30418 août 201713

Credit Agricole SA

Increase at price 23.74 per share.Direct96 49917 août 20174 065

Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P.

Bought at price 23.86 per share.Direct78 27117 août 20173 281

Barclays Plc

Increase at price 23.80 per share.Direct1 502 43917 août 201763 133

BlackRock, Inc.

Bought at price 23.66 per share.Direct22 56817 août 2017954